Installing Allegra

Allegra runs on many operating systems and works with many database systems and web servers. For Windows systems the easiest way to install Allegra is is the Windows Installer.

On Unix systems the installation is most easiest with the Docker Installer. This will allow Allegra to run anywhere there is a Docker container (e.g. Debian Linux, RedHat Linux, macOS).

In addition, Allegra can also be run directly in other container environments and with databases other than those provided in the Docker installer and Windows installer. provided. However, this is mainly something for experts.

Hardware Requirements

Allegra requires sufficient resources to run smoothly and reliably. The resource requirements depend on the number of users and their usage level.

No. of users






4 GByte

20 GByte



8 GByte

40 GByte



16 GByte

60 GByte



32 GByte

80 GByte

The number of CPUs means the number of cores of a modern CPU or vCPUs from cloud providers. The data is only a rough guide and includes the operation of the database on the same hardware or virtual application.

Installation Procedure

Now you may decide:

  1. For easy installation on a Windows system with the Windows Installer go to this section.

  2. For the installation for a MS SQL Server database on a Windows system with the Windows Installer go to this section.

  3. For individual installation on a Windows system go to this section.

  4. For easy installation on a Unix system with the Docker installer go to this section.

  5. For individual installation on a Unix system (Linux, macOS, etc.) go to this section.

Before you go, check the table above to see if you can provide enough resources.

Index and Tables