
Get the latest version of Allegra and start immediately.

Installer instructions

To install or upgrade the software in case it has previously been installed with an installer run the installer as an administrator (right mouse click in Explorer, "Run as administrator").

System requirements

Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 2016 or later
Main memory: 2 Gbyte or more
Free disc space: 1 Gbyte or more
Java VM: OpenJDK 8 or higher

Service Desk module

The Service Desk module is provided as a ZIP file. It must be unpacked on your existing web server in a directory that is accessible via an URL. The web server must be able to execute PHP code.

Copy the file "config-sample.php" to "config.php" and adjust the URL for the REST interface of your Allegra server. Copy the files "footer-sample.php", "header-sample.php" and "custom-sample.php" into the corresponding files without "-sample" and make adjustments if necessary.

For more documentation please visit our documentation area.

Update the service desk module

To update the module go to the directory where you installed it. Execute the file "update.php" in it.

Installation on Ubuntu 18.04

In just a few minutes you can install a fully functional system on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Linux server with a Postgres database system:

  • Download the installation script and execute it with the desired context name as a parameter.
  • Example: sudo ./ allegra
  • Shortly afterwards you can reach your installation at

Please note that port 80 has to be free and that there must not be an Apache Tomcat and Postgres system installed. Thus this script is particularly useful for a cloud installation.

Manual install instructions

First you need to install a proper environment:

  • Get Java JDK 8 or newer. We recommend OpenJDK
  • Install an Apache Tomcat 9.0 or newer as application server
  • Install a MySQL database (or Oracle, DB2, Postgres, Firebird)

You find detailed instructions for installation and upgrading in the installation manual in the documentation area.

System requirements

Operating system: Windows 10, 2016 or later, Linux, Mac OS/X
Main memory: 2 Gbyte or more
Free disc space: 1 Gbyte or more
Java VM: OpenJDK 8 or higher

Install with Docker

Copy the Docker installation files into a folder, for example /opt. In this directory execute ./adocker. Read the README file for more information.