
The Scrum perspective provides a set of views that allow you to work according to the Scrum method.

  • Scrum Overview

    Allegra provides special overviews in the so-called “cockpit” or dashboard.

  • Manage Users

    With appropriate access rights, you can add users to the system, change their properties or delete them.

  • Managing Scrum Teams

    Before anyone can do anything in a workspace or project, they must be assigned at least one role in that workspace. With each role comes a set of permissions that allow items to be modified, new items to be created, or certain item attributes to be changed.

  • Managing Scrum Projects

    You can create, edit, and delete any number of projects. Projects are referred to as “workspaces” in other parts of the system, so we will use that term in this section.

  • Manage Releases

    Releases are optional in the Scrum workflow. In Allegra, you can define releases, which in turn contain sprints and a release backlog.

  • Working with Backlogs

    Backlogs serve as containers for user stories and epics, the Scrum equivalent of requirements. You can manage product backlogs and release backlogs.

  • Working with Sprints

    In the sprint view, you can move items from the backlog to a specific sprint.

  • Using the Taskboard

    The task board presents items intuitively. With drag and drop, you can change responsible persons, status, priority, and much more.

  • Monitor Project with Burndown Charts

    In Scrum, you can monitor the work progress with burndown charts.

  • Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    Allegra is designed to be the central tool for scalable agile process models like SAFe on account of its features and structure.