
Some item attributes offer a choice from a list of predefined values, from which the user must select one or more. There are fixed lists in Allegra with a fixed assignment to attributes, as well as custom, freely-assignable lists.

System lists

The hard-assigned attributes with their system lists are:

  • Item type

  • Item status

  • Priority

  • Severity

The logic for the values in these lists is associated with “flags” that you assign to your list entries. The selection value itself has no meaning for the application logic.

These lists are always available globally (system-wide). You can restrict the set of visible selection values from your list to a subset for each item type and workspace type. For example, you could have “open” and “closed” activity states for milestones, and additional states for the item type “problem report”. For more information, see the section Workspace Types.

There is some logic associated with these attributes, for example, in the notification and workflow engines. You can change the items of these lists, but not the lists and attributes themselves.

User-defined lists

You can create as many custom lists as you want. User-defined lists do not have specific application logic associated with them. You can make custom lists available globally or only available to a specific workspace. Allegra provides five types of custom lists:

  • Simple selection list

  • Expandable selection list

  • Multi-select list

  • Extensible multiple selection list

  • Cascaded selection list

The last type, cascaded selection list, can be complex. Allegra comes with implementations for a parent-child list, a parent and two children list, and a parent-child-grandchild list.

Custom lists are assigned custom attributes of the same type. You can assign different lists to the same custom attribute in different workspaces or projects. For example, you can define a customer list as a custom attribute. You can assign different customer lists to this attribute in different workspaces or projects.

All user-defined lists can be made available globally or workspace-specific.